You are

The email address is mandatory

The address is mandatory

The postcode is mandatory

The city is mandatory

The country is mandatory

The addressee is mandatory

The country is mandatory

What do you want to talk about?

The subject is mandatory

Subject of your message

Max. 50 000 characters

The message is mandatory

The information collected in this form is recorded and transmitted to the staff and advisers of the Presidency of the Republic responsible for the processing of your message, and its service providers (hosting, mail management software and analytics).

You have a right of access, a right of rectification and a right to object as regards data concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting the Data Protection Officer of the Presidency of the Republic. Personal data processing – “Write to the President of the Republic” contact form. Processing of personal data – “Write to the President of the Republic” form.


You will receive a confirmation email to confirm your address before your message is processed.

There is no need to send the same message several times with different subject lines. Only one message will be retained and processed.